Sometimes SystemServer will crash on startup, sometimes it will softlock after mounting the root, maybe SyncTask will crash with:
[SyncTask(2:2)]: ASSERTION FAILED: !PtrTraits::is_null(bits)
[SyncTask(2:2)]: .././AK/RefPtr.h:457 in T* AK::RefPtr<T, PtrTraits>::as_nonnull_ptr(FlatPtr) const [with T = Kernel::Ext2FSInode; PtrTraits = AK::RefPtrTraits<Kernel::Ext2FSInode>; FlatPtr = unsigned int]
[#0 SyncTask(2:2)]: 0xc011b0b3 __assertion_failed(char const*, char const*, unsigned int, char const*) +0xf8
[#0 SyncTask(2:2)]: 0xc015ba0b Kernel::Ext2FS::flush_writes() +0x26f
[#0 SyncTask(2:2)]: 0xc0162936 Kernel::FS::sync() +0x30a
[#0 SyncTask(2:2)]: 0xc0183f89 Kernel::VFS::sync() +0x15
[#0 SyncTask(2:2)]: 0xc021029b _ZZN6Kernel7Process21create_kernel_processIZNS_8SyncTask5spawnEvEUlvE_EEN2AK6RefPtrIS0_NS4_12RefPtrTraitsIS0_EEEERNS5_INS_6ThreadENS6_IS9_EEEEONS4_6StringET_jENUlPvE_4_FUNESG_ +0x89
[#0 SyncTask(2:2)]: 0xc011a959 exit_kernel_thread +0x0
The 2 GiB mark is pretty suspicious, as the sign bit is set and we've had multiple issues with sign bits: #4584 #4585 #4615
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