I'm using Deep Chat connected to a WebSocket server. When a message is sent to the server, I expected the Loading Bubble to be displayed until the component receives the server's response. However, the Loading Bubble is not being displayed at any time.
Is there a way to force the component to display the Loading Bubble?
Did I configure the component incorrectly?
What would be the correct way to display the Loading Bubble?
introMessage='{"text": "Projeto inicial de componente para o chat"}'
mounted(): void {
this.chatInstance = this.$refs.chatRef
this.chatInstance.connect = {
websocket: true,
handler: this.websocketHandler
public websocketHandler(_: any, signals: any) {
try {
const websocket = new WebSocket('wss://my-server.foo/echo');
websocket.onopen = () => {
websocket.onmessage = (message) => {
const response = JSON.parse(message.data);
signals.onResponse({ role: 'ai', text: response.data.data });
websocket.onclose = () => {
websocket.onerror = () => {
signals.onResponse({ error: 'Connection error' });
signals.newUserMessage.listener = (body: any) => {
const messageData = body.messages[0].text
websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ "data": [messageData, 587] }));
} catch (e) {
signals.onResponse({ error: 'error' });
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