Hi, I want to use the Interceptors properties to modify our input messages before sending to open ai api. But I don't know how to do this in vue2 with js although I saw the demo video which is applied in angular.
id = "chatElement"
style="border-radius: 10px; border-color: #dcdcdc; background-color: #f3f6fc; width: 70vh; height: 78dvh; "
"styles": {
"container": {"borderRadius": "20px", "border": "1px solid #969696", "boxShadow": "unset", "width": "78%", "marginLeft": "-15px"},
"text": {"padding": "10px", "paddingLeft": "15px", "paddingRight": "34px"}
"placeholder": {"text": "Enter a prompt here", "style": {"color": "#bcbcbc"}}
introMessage='{"text": "Hi I am your stock expert, ask me anything!"}'
"openAI": {
"key": "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",
"chat": {"max_tokens": 2000, "system_prompt": "You are a stock expert. Please answer my question professionally.","model":"gpt-4o"}
"default": {
"shared": {"bubble": {"maxWidth": "100%", "backgroundColor": "unset", "marginTop": "10px", "marginBottom": "10px"}},
"user": {"bubble": {"marginLeft": "0px", "color": "black"}},
"ai": {"innerContainer": {"borderRadius": "15px", "backgroundColor": "white"}}
"default": {
"styles": {"position": "left", "container": {"marginLeft": "12px", "marginRight": "5px"}}
"ai": { "styles": {"position": "left", "avatar": {"paddingTop": "6px"}}}
"button": {
"default": {
"container": {"default": {"bottom": "1em", "right": "0.6em", "borderRadius": "20px", "width": "1.9em", "height": "1.9em"}},
"svg": {"styles": {"default": {"bottom": "0.35em", "left": "0.35em"}}}
"position": "inside-right"
"position": "outside-right",
"submit": {
"container": {
"default": {"bottom": "0.9em", "borderRadius": "25px", "padding": "6px 5px 4px", "backgroundColor": "#f3f6fc"},
"hover": {"backgroundColor": "#b0deff4f"},
"click": {"backgroundColor": "#b0deffb5"}
"svg": {
"content": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> <svg viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"><path d=\"m21.426 11.095-17-8A.999.999 0 0 0 3.03 4.242L4.969 12 3.03 19.758a.998.998 0 0 0 1.396 1.147l17-8a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.81zM5.481 18.197l.839-3.357L12 12 6.32 9.16l-.839-3.357L18.651 12l-13.17 6.197z\"/></svg>",
"styles": {
"default": {
"width": "1.5em",
"filter": "brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(10%) sepia(86%) saturate(6044%) hue-rotate(205deg) brightness(100%) contrast(100%)"
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"svg": {
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"default": {
"filter": "brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(72%) sepia(0%) saturate(3044%) hue-rotate(322deg) brightness(100%) contrast(96%)"
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connect='{"stream": true}'
export default {
data() {
return {
activeTab: 'first',
stockName: '',
xAxisData: [],
seriesData: [],
methods: {
const chatElementRef = document.getElementById('chatElement');
chatElementRef.requestInterceptor = (requestDetails) => {
requestDetails.body = { prompt: "the data is from "+ this.stockName +" and please answer the following question: "+requestDetails.body.messages[0].text };
return requestDetails;
I tried to use v-bind to bind the property requestInterspector to my method but it didn't work. Could you help me figure it out? Thx!
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