Describe the bug
test_flag_embedding_reranker_batch_one test function do not passaed.
Full Error log
tests/autorag/nodes/passagereranker/ (test_flag_embedding_reranker_batch_one)
flag_embedding_reranker_instance = <autorag.nodes.passagereranker.flag_embedding.FlagEmbeddingReranker object at 0x138707a90>
@pytest.mark.skipif(is_github_action(), reason="Skipping this test on GitHub Actions")
def test_flag_embedding_reranker_batch_one(flag_embedding_reranker_instance):
top_k = 3
batch = 1
contents_result, id_result, score_result = flag_embedding_reranker_instance._pure(
queries_example, contents_example, ids_example, top_k, batch
> base_reranker_test(contents_result, id_result, score_result, top_k)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
contents = [['Paris is the capital of France.', 'havertz is suck at soccer', 'NomaDamas is Great Team'], ['Newjeans has 5 members.', 'LA is a country in the United States.', 'i am hungry']]
ids = [['6649ae5c-6f98-4e9a-8a2e-d94f2ecd928b', '8ba2dacb-59f4-4142-b00a-c11b205a5f03', '26e27df6-a3ab-4974-ad2c-aa1abe906dc...fdfbf058-390b-4395-a480-318a90b87b4c', '853982fc-37df-4fb6-b909-eada007d8c1a', '2a8ad16b-f14d-47a5-a7de-5d171a64a49b']]
scores = [[[7.978793621063232], [-8.296481132507324], [-9.318552017211914]], [[3.5015883445739746], [-8.99830150604248], [-9.481008529663086]]]
top_k = 3, use_ko = False, descending = True
def base_reranker_test(contents, ids, scores, top_k, use_ko=False, descending=True):
assert len(contents) == len(ids) == len(scores) == 2
assert len(contents[0]) == len(ids[0]) == len(scores[0]) == top_k
for content_list, id_list, score_list in zip(contents, ids, scores):
assert isinstance(content_list, list)
assert isinstance(id_list, list)
assert isinstance(score_list, list)
for content, _id, score in zip(content_list, id_list, score_list):
assert isinstance(content, str)
assert isinstance(_id, str)
> assert isinstance(score, float)
E assert False
E + where False = isinstance([7.978793621063232], float) AssertionError
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