The information I get on the page is always the source code, I can't get the rendered page code.
How can I get the page after the dynamic rendering is complete, just like checking it in Chrome?
And my code like this:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val client = WebClient(BrowserVersion.CHROME).apply {
options.apply {
isCssEnabled = true
isJavaScriptEnabled = true
isThrowExceptionOnScriptError = false
isRedirectEnabled = true
isActiveXNative = true
javaScriptEngine = CustomJsEngine(this)
ajaxController = NicelyResynchronizingAjaxController()
waitForBackgroundJavaScript(10 * 1000)
object Damai {
* 打开买票界面
* @param client 浏览器实例
fun start(client: WebClient) {
val scanner = Scanner(System.`in`)
// val url =
val url = ""
val homePage = client.getPage<HtmlPage>(url)
// println(homePage.asText())
val loginBtn = homePage.getFirstByXPath<HtmlSpan>(
"//div[@class='dm-header-wrap']//div[@class='dm-header-box']//div[@class='right-header']" +
"//div[@class='box-header user-header']//div[@class='login-user show']" +
"//span[@class='span-box-header span-user']")
* 进行登陆
* @param page 点击后的登陆界面
private fun startLogin(page: HtmlPage) {
val loginDiv = page.getHtmlElementById<HtmlDivision>("alibaba-login-iframe")
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