I want to thank you for your amazing work. I'm using your lib since almost 1 year now and it's really nice.
I'm having an issue about memory (heap memory).
class ArkeaArenaFetcher {
fun fetch(): List<EventJpa> {
val webClient = WebClient().apply {
options.isCssEnabled = true
options.isJavaScriptEnabled = true
cssErrorHandler = SilentCssErrorHandler()
javaScriptErrorListener = SilentJavaScriptErrorListener()
options.isThrowExceptionOnFailingStatusCode = false
return try {
val page = webClient.getPage<HtmlPage>("https://www.arkeaarena.com/fr/programmation/tous-les-evenements/#")
val container: HtmlElement = page.getFirstByXPath("//div[@class='events-list ajaxed']/div[@class='container']")
val rawEvents = container.getByXPath<HtmlElement>("a")
} catch (e: Exception) {
} finally {
private fun htmlToInfra(html: HtmlElement): EventJpa {
// convert html to Kotlin object
The code is the same as the showcase 2 but only the finally clause is changing like below
finally {
webClient.topLevelWindows.forEach { it.close(false) }
webClient.topLevelWindows.forEach { it.jobManager.removeAllJobs() }
The issue here is even when I'm closing the webclient instance there is still memory which is not released. Here in my example code I'm dealing with a single source but in production I'm dealing with multiple sources.
I also tried
in Kotlin (try with resources) (article)Other info
(the behaviour is the same on older versions)Article read about the memory subject:
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