When launching to my chart (this is in new project location using Angular2 & dojo with Maven build process where I haven't gotten to that point yet), I am ending with an error that it looks like HtmlUnit is passing on from dojo/parser.
Feb 24, 2021 2:57:38 PM com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.IncorrectnessListenerImpl notify
WARNING: Obsolete content type encountered: 'application/x-javascript'.
Feb 24, 2021 2:57:39 PM com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebConsole error
SEVERE: dojo/parser::parse() error InternalError: Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0 (http://localhost:9080/Navigator/scripts.f1f53a09317b5a0c80d3.js#1)
Feb 24, 2021 2:57:39 PM com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebConsole error
SEVERE: TypeError: Cannot call method "watch" of undefined
Interesting thing is that I didn't think I was getting this error when running through the browser, but I do see something that could be the same when I go to console and see an error:
Bar.js:230 TypeError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'.
at C..A._parse (Bar.js:225)
at C..A._init (Bar.js:193)
at C..A.load (Bar.js:117)
at Core.js:302
at m (scripts.f1f53a09317b5a0c80d3.js:1)
at _1.DeferredList.v.then.then (scripts.f1f53a09317b5a0c80d3.js:1)
at initMod (Core.js:300)
at C..A._load (Core.js:496)
at Core.js:447
at Function.when (scripts.f1f53a09317b5a0c80d3.js:1)
So ideally we will fix this error and not have any problems. But it is interesting that when running on browser, we hit the error but keep on. In HtmlUnit, this is where things come to a halt. Any way we can get more info on why HtmlUnit abandons it?
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