I am attempting to click on a bar that expands and gives extra search options. The site is https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp/?uri=/t0100. The other buttons/bars work when clicked as demoed by the English button in this snippet, but in the full code for this program I have tested both the search button and the Exclusion Keywords bar and both work. I assume this is a Java Script issue as soon as the program clicks the button it gives these messages.
INFO: @https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp:443/main.9feec0b83f1ac2f1c55e.bundle.js:1 be()@https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp:443/main.9feec0b83f1ac2f1c55e.bundle.js:1 Ye()@https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp:443/main.9feec0b83f1ac2f1c55e.bundle.js:1 @https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp:443/main.9feec0b83f1ac2f1c55e.bundle.js:1 qu()@https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp:443/main.9feec0b83f1ac2f1c55e.bundle.js:1 ya()@https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp:443/main.9feec0b83f1ac2f1c55e.bundle.js:1 @https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp:443/main.9feec0b83f1ac2f1c55e.bundle.js:1 @https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp:443/main.9feec0b83f1ac2f1c55e.bundle.js:1 La()@https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp:443/main.9feec0b83f1ac2f1c55e.bundle.js:1 Ku()@https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp:443/main.9feec0b83f1ac2f1c55e.bundle.js:1
I know these messages come up when the button is clicked by adding in a Thread.sleep() before and after the click to see when it happens. Again I'm not positive why this is the only Java Script to not work on this page, but I am unsure of how to approach this problem.
Here is the code snippet:
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.NicelyResynchronizingAjaxController;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlElement;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage;
public class Error
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
WebClient webClient = new WebClient(BrowserVersion.CHROME);
webClient.setAjaxController(new NicelyResynchronizingAjaxController());
HtmlPage startPage = webClient.getPage("https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp/?uri=/t0100");
* Changes page to English
HtmlElement english = (HtmlElement) startPage.getElementById("cfc001_header_lnkLangChange");
* This button is used to get other search options so you could search by filling date.
* Unfortunately, whenever I attempted to press the button the page would crash.
HtmlElement extraSettings = (HtmlElement) startPage
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