

UNIT3D v8.0.0 Coming Soon!


Greetings everyone,

I wanted to first thank everyone for the continued support in developing UNIT3D. We have moved to Polar and its such a better platform for managing subscribers that back UNIT3Ds development.

UNIT3D v8.0.0 is planned to be release in 1-2 weeks! The new version will require Bun. https://bun.sh We have dropped Mix and NPM in favor of Vite and Bun. So please install it before updating your website. curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash . This does not apply to new installs as the installer will do this for you. UNIT3D v8.0.0 includes ~400 new commits and ~600 files changed since our last v7.2.5 release. UNIT3D is staying secure, up to date and feature rich. We hope you enjoy the release when it drops and the more to come!

Keep on the lookout!
