

UNIT3D-Community-Edition v8.0.0 Has Been Released!



UNIT3D v8.0.0 require Bun. https://bun.sh We have dropped Mix and NPM in favor of Vite and Bun. So please install it before updating your website. curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash. This does not apply to new installs as the installer will do this for you. Because NPM and MIX has been dropped you SHOULD also pull the latest app/Console/Commands/GitUpdater.php in master branch to your server before running php artisan git:update. You should also be on PHP 8.3. Lastly in you .env file please find MIX_ECHO_ADDRESS and change it to VITE_ECHO_ADDRESS.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/HDInnovations/UNIT3D-Community-Edition/compare/v7.2.5...v8.0.0