With this example below I was unable to get the environment variable by:
or dotenv
import { endianness } from 'os';
// just to check if polyfilledModules work
import util from 'util';
import { handleStaticAssets } from './static-assets';
const DEBUG = false; //set to TRUE when running in dev mode
addEventListener('fetch', async (event) => {
const { pathname } = new URL(event.request.url);
if (pathname.startsWith('/api')) {
if (DEBUG) {
// we skip miniflare and let vite handle the url
event.respondWith(new Response('', { headers: { 'x-skip-request': '' } }));
} else {
// this will disable HMR in vite, so only for production
async function handleRequest() {
const obj = {
__dirname: __dirname,
__filename: __filename,
cwd: process.cwd(),
global: !!global,
Buffer: !!globalThis.Buffer,
process: !!process,
endianness: !!endianness,
return new Response(JSON.stringify(obj));
Is there a way for that?
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