Describe the bug
First off, thank you very much for your work on cva. I'm using compose
from the beta version of cva @1.0.0-beta.1
to merge two cva components; functionally it works as expected, but the resulting Type appears to be incorrect, thereby breaking VSCode autocomplete for the composed/merged cva component. I wrote my own Compose
type that appears to fix it (see further below).
To reproduce
const A = cva({
base: "A",
variants: {
style: {
primary: "primary-A"
const B = cva({
base: "B",
variants: {
style: {
primary: "primary-B",
secondary: "secondary-B",
const C = cva({
base: "C",
variants: {
style: {
tertiary: "tertiary-C",
const merged = compose(A, B, C);
merged({ style: }) // auto-complete doesn't show any options for `style`; should show `primary`, `secondary`, `tertiary`
I'm really not a TS expert, but with the help of good ol' ChatGPT I came up with this alternative Typing for compose
that seems to fix the issue:
type MergeVariantProps<Types extends any[]> = Types extends [infer First, ...infer Rest]
? First extends object
? Rest extends any[]
? {
[K in keyof First | keyof MergeVariantProps<Rest>]: K extends keyof First
? K extends keyof MergeVariantProps<Rest>
? First[K] | Exclude<MergeVariantProps<Rest>[K], First[K]>
: First[K]
: K extends keyof MergeVariantProps<Rest>
? MergeVariantProps<Rest>[K]
: never
: never
: never
: {};
export interface Compose {
<T extends any[]>(...components: T): (
props?: Partial<MergeVariantProps<{ [K in keyof T]: VariantProps<T[K]> }>> & CVAClassProp
) => string;
const myCompose = compose as Compose;
const merged = myCompose(A, B, C);
merged({ style: }) // auto-complete now shows `style` options `primary`, `secondary`, `tertiary`
Happy to get a PR going with these changes, but wanted to get your take on this and/or figure out if I'm missing something.
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